Concern in Haiti, 1 year on

Concern Worldwide are a very
progressive organisation when it comes to embracing new ways to
communicate and ultimately fundraise. Yesterday to mark the first
anniversary of the Haiti disaster they went all out on Facebook,
running an awareness campaign. Neil Rooney, their e-marketing
leader, explained to me that they

… used a
Facebook specific advertising solution called a ’24 hour reach
block’. The reach block delivers the first 4-5 ad placements
someone sees when they log into Facebook and allows ad placements
in users homepage.

Here is what that looked like
when I logged in to my account Not only did they
do this but they made sure that when you got to their page on
Facebook it was all about the work they have done in Haiti,

To create awareness of the work that
Concern have been doing in Haiti we have added a ‘Haiti
update’ tab to our profile. The tab acts as the landing page for
visitors that have not previously ‘liked’ concern and outlines the
key areas that Concern and
have been working on. In addition, within the tab we
have embedded a campaign specific video that we stream from our
YouTube channel, an interactive Google map that details what has
been achieved in each location Concern is working in and twitter
feeds from @concern as well as staff we have in the field at the

Here is what the page looks like (click here to go to the actual page on
facebook) This is great
stuff by Concern, really getting to grips with the technology that
is available to them to do something really important….Talk about
the Impact. While I’m at it, kudos to Concern for the
of their website, one of the first things that
my eye was drawn to was the How Money was Spent pie on the right
hand side, and they have rightly won an award for their

4 thoughts on “Concern in Haiti, 1 year on

  1. Conor,

    Awesome overview here! I really like how you included comments from Neil so that people could see the thinking behind the tactics.

    Will there be a follow-up post with results?


  2. Pingback: Concern in Haiti – The Results « Conor Byrne's Blog

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