Users three times more likely to engage with video on mobiles than desktops

dot rising reported last week that “new data reveals that those who view videos on smartphones are nearly three times more likely to click through to a brand’s website than if viewing videos on laptops or desktops.”

The report by Unruly revealed new stats that show CTR on desktop at 5.45%, compared to a 13.64% on mobile. As well as this, the data highlights that interaction rates for mobile are up a massive 105.63% to 22.64% in Q3 2013.

dot rising comments that “The continual reports regarding the rise in popularity of mobile highlights that now, more than ever, brands must ensure their sites are successfully optimised for mobile and tablet users. As well as this, branching into the realm video marketing is also of utmost importance for companies looking to stay on-trend and relevant for consumers”

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