Stop Climate Chaos & Umbrella Action Day

I have spoken about mergers and partnerships before and here is a great example. 26 organisations (and more are welcome) have joined up to launch the website Stop Climate Chaos (i just love that name). The coalition is campaigning to ensure Ireland plays its part in preventing runaway climate change

Together they are hosting the 2nd Umbrella Action Day on Sandymount Strand on Sunday, June 15th 2008 at 3p.m.

This is a family event which highlights the need for political action to tackle climate change. This day hopes to serve as a reminder to our government that we still want reduction in emissions to be firmly on the agenda and to ask them to take measures to put a fair price on carbon pollution!

Great idea, engaging the masses for change. I wonder will anyone from the Government comment or attend?

The website also has a great Call to Action section.