Concern in Haiti – The Results

In January I posted about Concerns campaign on Facebook to mark the first anniversary of the disaster in Haiti. You can read that post here. They used Facebook to advertise and then directed people to their facebook page where they spoke (and clearly demonstrated) the impact they are making.

Impact is so important for donors to hear about and I think Concern did a great job here in demonstrating it, on a platform that a lot of people use.

Neil Rooney from Concern kindly offered to share the results of the campaign with me and allowed me to post it. Here is how it went for Concern:

The following results pertain to the period 12th January – 31st January

The Facebook tab was the default landing page for all new visitors to Concern’s Facebook page from the 12th to the 31st of January and in that time it was viewed a total of 6,441 times (it has since been viewed a total of 7,432 times). During that time 2,491 people ‘Liked’ the page, an increase of 91% on pre campaign levels.

The advertising delivered 3,997,617 impressions or opportunities to see and enjoyed a click through rate of 0.084% (industry standard is 0.077%) and drove 3,375 people to the tab. Community interactions added and further 42,342 impressions in the form of likes, shares and comments.

The video was viewed a total of 1,029 times, 613 of which were user initiated via the click-to-play advertising placements, the remaining 416 were from the embedded video in the tab and Concern’s YouTube channel subscribers.

Campaign related updates posted by Concern to the Facebook page were viewed a total of 20,512 times with 139 people interacting with the posts by commenting on them or liking them. This represents a 1,886% increase on the pages average interaction rate.

Thanks for sharing Neil. I hope this information is useful to organisations who are thinking of this strategy.

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